2020 Robot Reveal Night Article

This year, The Janksters held Robot Reveal Night on February 22nd. The event was Star Wars themed, matching with the 2020 game theme, Infinite Recharge. The business committee worked hard to produce fun and themed decorations. At the event, the Janksters revealed their 2020 robot, Luca, which had a sturdy frame, vision tracking, and demonstrated power cell intake and shooting. The robot featured a custom turret for precision shooting, and two new motors, the Falcon 500 and Johnson. The Janksters 2020 shirt and button designs were also revealed. Along with revealing the robot and designs, all four committees got the chance to share accomplishments,  photos, and perspectives of the past year’s Build Season, showcasing the progress they have made throughout the season on their new robot and on the team to family and friends. 

Robot Reveal Night was the perfect opportunity for the team to celebrate the season and all the hard work they have dedicated and bond with fellow team members. Overall, as a team,  the Janksters made great progress and improved their technical and communication skills. 


2020 Appreciation Night Article


2020 Week 5 & 6