2019 Build Season Week 6 Article
As Build Season comes to an end, Team 1967 pushes forward to put finishing touches on both Jankybot, our second robot for test driving, and our final robot. Quite a lot of progress has been made in the past month and a half of demanding work and dedication, and week 6 is where things have finally come together.
The Mechanical subcommittees have been busy working on finalizing and attaching their mechanisms, as well as revising and updating CAD designs. The Chassis subgroup put together the actual chassis of the robot and finished mounting gearboxes. After discovering illegal components, the Hatch subcommittee redesigned the mechanism and updated its CAD. The Elevator group mounted its mechanism onto Jankybot and started manufacturing the elevator for the final robot. The Cargo subcommittee worked on finalizing mounts for the robot and finished manufacturing its mechanism. Many Projects finished fabricating the bumpers for both the red and blue colors and is currently working on the bumper mounts to attach the bumpers to the robot.
The Programming committee has been busy coding many features of the final robot. The Vision subcommittee combined their code to filter the reflective tape with the robot driving code. With the push of a button, the robot can now autonomously drive toward the reflective tape. The Hatch programming subcommittee focused on preparing and researching how to code the LED lights that will be put onto the robot, as well as successfully testing the code for chassis on the new complete chassis. The Cargo and Elevator subgroup finalized the code for the cargo and elevator mechanisms and compiled it into the final 2019 code. They also fixed issues regarding the hysteresis values on the elevator mechanism code.
The Electronics committee has been working extremely hard on the electronics boards for the final robot. They have completed the CAD for the horizontal and vertical boards, and have sent the files for manufacturing. Electronics also finished securing and wiring components on Jankybot’s base plate and mounted it to the chassis, making Jankybot drivable. They are continuing to work on wiring and mounting various sensors onto the robot.
Throughout the week, the Business committee prepared for Robot Reveal Night by mass producing Jankster merchandise, setting up presentation slides, putting together decorations, and designing the program for the event. The committee made over 400 buttons, ironed over 600 mini Perler bead bows, and has started to make full-sized fabric bows. In addition to the preparations for Robot Reveal Night, Business also updated all social media platforms and continued writing weekly article and POV posts.
Though our robot is nearly complete and the end of build season is approaching, the Janksters’ energy and determination is still going strong! Make sure to check back next week for updates on the end of build season and our preparations for our Central Valley Regional competition. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for the latest team updates @team1967.