2021 Week 1-3 POVs

During the first three weeks, programming has been working to install coding software on everyone’s laptops, update the 2020 code to the 2021 infrastructure, and research possible pathweavers. This year’s challenge caused programming to focus more on autonomous coding, but none of us had prior experience. Luckily, we were able to arrange a code review with last year’s programming lead Maddie ‘20. I’m happy to say that I was able to learn a lot about the code. Personally, I have been able to get more involved with working on the robot, from troubleshooting to helping newer members get accustomed to the software we use. I’m excited to get more hands-on experience and see what we can accomplish.

Tiffany '22

My favorite part of this week has been working with Illustrator and communicating more with my team. Our group had a few technical difficulties that were easily resolved. We also shared many of our design ideas and opinions. I have learned more about Illustrator's tools and what it's like working in the business team. I look forward to working on this year’s graphic designs.

Ruth '23

Being part of the Innovation Challenge group, my teammates and I were challenged to think outside of the box in order to come up with a new invention. This has been difficult since we live in such a technologically advanced society, where almost everything we thought of already existed or was not feasible. We spent the past few meetings brainstorming, discussing, and narrowing down our ideas to just one product that creatively and realistically fits the prompt. I’m looking forward to seeing what designs we come up with for our invention this season.

Sarah '24


2025 Kickoff POVs
