So far my favorite part about this week was that we finally received our custom boards that the electronics components will be mounted on. We have been working on designing and CADing the boards since Week 2, so it was quite exciting for the entire committee when the boards arrived. Now that we have them, we are so much closer to reaching our goal of having a working robot by Week 5. I’m really looking forward to these next few days when the entire team will come together to help reach this goal.
Della ‘23
In the past four weeks, our team has gone from scrambling around to finalize strategies and mechanism ideas to slowly bringing them all together and actually forming a concise plan of action. I’ve spent most of this week manufacturing the chassis, and I am glad to see that much progress has been made. Viewing and participating in this process from a leadership position has been challenging, but has also been thought-provoking and has given me the opportunity to learn so much throughout Build Season.
Anjani ‘22
I have learned so much throughout Build Season! Because of the help the rest of the Business Committee, I have been able to step out of my comfort zone, and am now able to be confident in my work and my ideas of tackling certain tasks in new ways. Even though I am a veteran, I still have much more to learn—especially because I switched over from the Mechanical Committee to Business Committee this year to expand my knowledge on the team as a whole. For example, learning to use InDesign was extremely intimidating as I have never done graphic design; however, my business leads encouraged me to believe in myself, and I realized how similar it was to the CAD that the Mechanical Committee uses, which really helped me understand the program a lot better. I look forward to attending every meeting because I know I will learn something new every time!
Charlotte '21