Build season is coming to an end, and the results of our time and effort spent brainstorming and designing are finally becoming seen. In the chassis subgroup, we spent most of Week 6 manufacturing and putting together the final touches for the base of the robot. This week has helped me become more efficient and precise in completing my assignments and making sure to communicate with veterans or mentors about any confusion that I may have. As a whole, this has been an extremely informative and fulfilling experience, and I'm looking forward to the tasks that await!
Anjani Gadkari Class of 2022
My favorite part of build season was programming the robot’s pistons. I enjoy learning new programming concepts and building problem-solving skills. I look forward to seeing the robot because everyone has worked really hard to build it.
Dania Hanif Class of 2020
I learned a lot this build season and improved my problem-solving and task management skills. It’s hard to juggle multiple projects at once and make sure everyone is communicating, but my friends and mentors’ help support me and each other. My favorite part of build season is when a particularly difficult problem finally gets solved! It’s very gratifying when we overcome a task that throws a new issue at us every few minutes. These past few weeks, I’ve also learned about the specifics of building a robot, such as wiring ultrasonic sound sensors to measure distances. I can’t wait for the rest of the week so we can finish the robot and be ready for competition!
Libby Barrese Class of 2020