This year's kick-off was really exciting and interesting. First, we watched the game video which was super cool this year. This was my favorite part of the day because I think this is one of the most interesting games FIRST has ever designed. After we did that, we split into groups and read the game manual, which we then discussed as a large group. Finally, we brainstormed ideas about the possible things we wanted our robot to do. It was definitely a hectic day, but I had a lot of fun!
Sana ShrikantClass of 2017
As a rookie, kickoff was a very new experience. Despite having to wake up and work much earlier than I wanted to, it was just as exciting as the veterans made it out to be. After watching the livestream and anxiously waiting for the game to be announced, the video finally began. This was one of my favorite parts of the day, because it was exciting to see what we were going to be work on after much anticipation. After the game was announced, we had wasted no time splitting off into groups so we could go over sections of the game manual. And once we had gone over the whole game manual with each other the brainstorming finally began. By the end of the day, we ended up with a long list of great ideas that are going to contribute to the making of our robot.
Cynthia ChungClass of 2019
This was the first time I went to Kickoff at SJSU. It was super early, but everyone there was awake and ready to find out what this year's game would be. After finding out the game and being able to see the game pieces, we went back to ND to go over the game manual and brainstorm. Overall, Kickoff was so much fun, and the game this year seems like it going to be really interesting.
Hannah PatrignaniClass of 2018